NINA ANTO w Oslo - 26 maja 2022.
Nina Anto 2022 Tour, NANO BEY (in Polish)
Nina Anto podczas trasy koncertowej 2022 wystąpi wraz z pracami wizualnymi wykonanymi przez polskich artystów, program nosi tytuł: „Wrażliwość uchwycona przez polskich artystów". Ta trasa jest możliwa dzięki stypendium Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego. Koncerty w każdym mieście zostaną uzupełnione występami lokalnych artystów, których Nina Anto zaprosiła do nawiązania wielokulturowego dialogu. W Oslo Nina Anto wystąpi razem z Nano Bey, artystką pochodzącą z Alty, a obecnie mieszkającą i tworzącą swoją muzykę w Oslo.
Podczas koncertów artystki chciałyby zbierać fundusze na rzecz dzieci Ukraińskich, wiecej informacji będzie przedstawionych niebawem na stronie eventu:
Start: 19.30
Miejsce: Kulturhuset, Oslo
Data: 26/05 (czwartek)
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Nina Anto 2022 Tour, NANO BEY (in Norwegian)
Denne turneen er støttet av den polske regjeringens kulturdepartement og den Polske National Heritage. I løpet av turneen har Nina Anto invitert lokale artister for å skape en multikulturell dialog. I Oslo møter du dermed den up-and-coming artisten NANO BEY. Hun er en sanger og låtskriver. Fra arktisk oppvekst til urbane metropoler bringer NANO BEY vibes fra Tokyo, London, Berlin og Oslo som grunnpilarene i hennes musikk.
NINA ANTO - er en Polsk Londonbasert sanger, låtskriver og pianist. I 2021 fikk hun sin bachelor fra det prestisjetunge universitetet British Irish Modern Music Institute London og fra September 2022 fortsetter hun sine musikkstudier i USA. Nina har trent klassisk piano fra hun var 5 år, men har endret sitt hovedinstrument til stemmen i løpet av hennes karriære. Hennes siste vokal lærere inkluderer Rachel Black (UK), Monique Thomas (France, US), Greg Enriquez (US, mest kjent som Celine Dion og Solange’s vokallærer). I denne konserten kommer Nina Anto til å debutere nye låter for en mer intim atmosfære som ble til under pandemien. Disse låtene henter inspirasjon fra Antony and the Johnsons, Kate Bush og Tori Amos.
NANO BEY - er skaper av sin egen sjanger BravePop som handler om hennes power-tunes og autentisitet. Det handler om å være tøff nok når det gjelder. Hun har tidligere performet som åpningsartist på det nye nasjonale museet i Vadsø Ruija Museum, hvor låtene handlet om hennes oppvekst som kvensk i dag. Inspirert av artister som Nothing But Thieves, Nick Cave og Cyndi Lauper lager NANO BEY en deilig blanding av rock, pop og rap i hennes debut EP. MEd en Bachelor i Professional Musicianship Vocals med Honours degree fra det prestisjetunge universitetet British Irish Modern Music Institute London, forbereder NANO BEY hennes debut EP - Shut the Noise out! Som signaliserer hennes start som NANO BEY!
Ekstra: På grunn av den pågående krigen i Ukraina har Nina Anto og NANO BEY laget en fundraising dedikert til barn i Ukraina. Mer informasjon om denne fundraisingen kommer til å bli gitt under eventet.
Nina Anto 2022 Tour, NANO BEY (in English)
Date of event: 26th of MayStart time of event: 7:30pm
Nina Anto is a Polish-born singer, songwriter, and pianist based in London. In 2021 she graduated from the British and Irish Modern Music Institute London and from September 2022 she will continue her education in the United States. Since the age of 5, Nina was trained to become a classical pianist, but at the age of 15, she decided that voice is her most beloved instrument. Her recent vocal coaches include Rachel Black (UK), Monique Thomas (France, US), and Greg Enriquez (the US, perhaps best known for coaching Celine Dion or Solange).
Her music
program for 2022 is called: Nina Anto - sensitivity captured by
Polish artists.
During this upcoming 2022 European tour, Nina
Anto will be performing a completely new music material that she
created during the time of the pandemic. Her new EP is going to be
released during the summer of 2022. During this tour, Nina decided to
not only showcase her music, but also art made by her creative
colleagues from Poland: cinematographers, directors, graphic
designers, photographers, etc. During every performance, her songs
will be juxtaposed with visual works made by those artists. This
whole creative process of art-making and collaboration is possible
thanks to a scholarship granted by the Polish Ministry of Culture and
National Heritage that is also a sponsor of Nina Anto 2022 Tour.
NANO BEY - is all about power tunes and her authentic message.
She created BravePop - a genre about being brave enough to find your inner strength and tell your stories as it is. Her background is embossed by arctic upbringing and metropolitan vibes after her many years in the big cities Tokyo, London, Berlin and now, Oslo, to enhance the ground pillars of her work.
also featured as the opening artist of the new Kven Museum in Vadsø
- Ruija Museum, where she performed songs based on her childhood as a
Kven person growing up today.
Inspired by artists such as Nothing
But Thieves, Nick Cave and Cyndi Lauper - NANO BEY creates a
delicious blend of rock, pop and rap in her upcoming EP release.
Equipped with a BA (HONS) in Professional Musicianship Vocals from the prestigious British and Irish Modern Music Institute London, NANO BEY is now preparing to release her debut EP – Shut the noise out!
which will
indicate her new beginning as a solo artist.
Because of the situation that is happening in Ukraine at the moment. NANO BEY and Nina Anto decided that during the show they would like to fundraise money for the Ukrainian children. More information about the fundraising will be introduced to guests during the event.
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